Primary enrolments
Enoggera State School now operates under a School Enrolment Management Plan, which means that all newly enrolling students must reside within our catchment area unless there is capacity for out of catchment enrolments.
Catchment area residents
Please complete the Application for Enrolment form and return to the administration staff, either in person or by email, along with two documents for proof of residency (see below) as well as your child's original birth certificate to be sighted.
Proof of Residency
- Home Owner
- Contract of Sale, and/or
- Current Brisbane City Council Rates Notice, and
- Current account for supply of domestic electricity (showing name & address).
- Lease Holders
- Lease extending at least three months from the child’s expected start date at Enoggera State School,
- Current account for supply of domestic electricity or water (showing name & address).
We commence the enrolment process end of June at which point in time information will be emailed out regarding time and dates for interviews, school tours and activity days which will take place in September onwards. If you require any further information in the meantime, please email our Administration Team on
All students, whose main place of residence is within the school’s catchment area, are (subject to the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006) eligible for enrolment at the school. The School Principal will hold places for students who relocate to within the catchment area throughout the school year.
Out of catchment residents
The school is enrolment managed and is currently at capacity. As such, we are unable to take out of catchment enrolments. You are more than welcome to complete the Expression of Interest form which will be kept on file and contact will be made in Term 4 if circumstances change and we are able to accept out of catchment enrolments.
Visit Education Queensland for full information about the Enoggera Enrolment Management Plan (EMP).
Prep year enrolments
Please complete the Application for Enrolment form and return to administration, either in person or by email, along with two documents for proof of residency (see above) as well as your child's original birth certificate to be sighted. Further information will be emailed out in late June regarding times and dates for interviews, school tours and activity days which will take place in September onwards.
To assist with the transition into Prep, we conduct transitional programs from Term 3 which enable new students and their parents to participate in school activities.
Children must be 5 on or before 30 June in the year they enrol in Prep.
Use the Department's prep ready reckoner calculator to determine when your child can commence their preparatory year.
Please read our Enrolment Management Plan.
Born 1 July 2019 - 30 June 2020
| 2025
Born 1 July 2020 - 30 June 2021 | 2026
Born 1 July 2021 - 30 June 2022
| 2027
Born 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2023
| 2028
Interstate and overseas enrolments
Please contact the School Office to enquire about enrolment procedures.